Inviting an External User

The account Owner or Administrator can add an unlimited number of Users to one Account.

Complete the following steps to invite new users:

  1. Sign in to the Customer Control Panel.
  2. Click User on the Navigation Bar.
  3. Click Invite User.

  4. In the Invite Users field, enter emails of the users, which will be invited. You can separate the emails using space,  "," or ";". 
  5. In the Access Level list, select user's role: UserAdmin or Owner (see Access levels of Users).
  6. Click Send Invitations. The users will receive an email with instructions how to sign up with ActivePlatform. 
    The invited users should perform the following operations:
  7. Check the inbox for emails and click the sign-up link. If you haven't received the email, check the spam folder.
  8. In the Sign up form, type first and last name, password and its confirmation. Password requirements are displayed on the Password requirements tip. If the requirement is not satisfied, the corresponding item will be highlighted. The password can be generated automatically by clicking the Generate button.

  9. Сlick Sign Up. The User will get access to the Customer Control Panel.