Terms and definitions




А software platform that automates a selling process of virtual hosting and cloud services. ActivePlatform consists of the Customer Control Panel and Operator Control Panel.

Operator Control Panel

A component of ActivePlatform that automates the operator's business process while providing services.

Customer Control Panel

A component of ActivePlatform that automates the customer's business process while consuming services.

Application (service)

A service, IT solution, or application delivered and consumed via the Internet (SaaS, IaaS, PaaS).

Operator (service provider)

An organization that provides access to services for customers.


А counterparty (a natural person or a legal entity) used to pay for services. An account keeps the information about the profile, billing history, purchases, etc. A customer can have an unlimited number of accounts.


A user is a person who uses the Customer Control Panel to access services. An unlimited number of users can be connected to an account. Each registered user is granted one of the access levels (for example, Owner). A user can be connected to an unlimited number of accounts.


An agreement between the operator and customer, on which base the operator provides services and customers consumes them. The subscription keeps the information about the plans, personal and billing contacts, and technical and service provisioning terms. The subscription is associated with an account. Existing subscriptions can be changed.


A pack of services and resources with a fixed price.

Plan period

A period of the service usage available as part of a plan.


Any hardware or software components included in a subscription (traffic, domains, disk space, etc.).

Account balance

A virtual balance that displays the availability of funds that can be used to pay for new services or upgrade the current ones.


An operation that represents the money inflow on the account balance. Money can be paid by different payment methods: cash, credit card, bank transfer and etc.

Guaranteed payment

An operation that represents a promised "virtual" money inflow on the account balance. A customer must perform a real payment operation during a fixed period.

ChargeAn operation of reducing funds on the account balance after a new subscription was ordered or an existing subscription was renewed.

A manual operation of changing the account balance performed by a manager.


A financial document that includes closed charges for services consumed during the previous billing period.


An operation that displays the flow of funds on the account balance.


A reduction in the price of a plan for a customer.


A request to buy a new subscriptions or change an existing one.


A message used to notify on a certain event occurred in ActivePlatform.

Notification category

A category used for grouping notifications by some criteria.