Viewing the List of Charges
To view the List of Charges:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- Click Operations > Finance > Charges on the Navigation Bar.
The Workspace displays the following blocks:- Top bar (for more information see Working with the List of Objects);
- List of Charges with the following columns:
- ID — a unique identification number of the charge;
- Account — a name of the account, which subscription generated the charge;
- Description — detailed information about the charge;
- Balance Transaction ID — an ID of transaction;
- Status — one of the following statuses of the charge:
- New — a charge was created;
- Opened — a charge was created, but the funds weren't blocked and weren't writing off from the account balance;
- Waiting for a refund - a user performed the operation for which the fund must be returned to the account balance;
- Blocked - funds were blocked by the charge;
- Waiting approve — a user performed the operation that must be approved;
- Closed - funds were written off from the account balance;
- Deleted - a change was deleted;
- Refunded - funds have been successfully returned to the account balance.
- Discount — an amount of the discount;
- Amount — a total amount of the charges;
- Created At — a date and time of the charge creation;
- Close Date — a date when the charge will be closed.