Viewing the List of Account Types
To view the List of Account Types:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Billing > Account Types. The Workspace displays the List of Account Types.
The Workspace displays the following blocks:- Top bar (for more information see Working with the List of Objects);
- List of Account Types with the following columns:
- ID — a unique identification number of the Account Type;
- Name — a name of the Account Type;
- Name Pattern - a template for account's name, which is displayed on ActivePlatform. The following options available for entering:
- % first_name — first customer name.
- % middle_name — middle customer name.
- % last_name — last customer name.
- % primary_name — a name entered in the Primary name field.
- Delegated - if the Account Type was delegated from Operator (upstream Reseller). Delegated Account Type is available in read-only mode. If Account Type was changed or deleted by Operator (upline Reseller), these Account Typees or Account Types will be changed or deleted for the downline Resellers.