Managing Users

A User is a person who uses the Customer Control Panel to access the Services (for more information see APCCP). Each of registered User may be granted different access level within the Customer Control Panel (for example, Owner, Admin, User).

Users can have following roles:

  • The Owner has maximum privileges. An Account can have only one user with Owner access level.
  • The Administrator has administrator privileges. Admin can create, delete, modify other users and assign the access right to them.
  • The User has a minimum set of privileges, with access only to the services that have been assigned by Admin or Owner.

If a User is attached to several Accounts, in each case this User can have a different access level to the Customer Control Panel. For example, a User was attached to two Accounts. For first Account (legal entity) the User has the Admin role, and for second Account (personal) the User has the Owner role.

All Users are divided into two main group:

  • External — an email these users are created from external service. Users of this type are not created in the system, and they are invited by an Administrator or Owner.
  • Internal — an email these users are created and maintained in the system. Creating internal users is possible if you are buying applications with email hosting services, e.g. Open-Xchange, Microsoft Exchange, Google Apps etc.

Manager is a specific category of Users, which are used by employees. This type of users has access to the Operator Control Panel. Depending on the privileges, Managers can have different access level: Salesperson; Marketing; Product owner; System administratorFor more information, see Managing Employees.

This article describes the following operations with Users: