Viewing and updating general Reseller's Information

To view and edit Reseller's information:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Operations > Operations > Resellers. The Workspace displays the List of Resellers.
  3. Click the Name link of the required Reseller.

  4. Edit the values in the fields, which are available for changing on the General tab:
    • ID — a unique identification number of the Reseller;
    • Name — a reseller name, which is displayed on the online store and Customer control panel;
    • Domain — a domain name, which is used to gain access to the ActivePlatform by the customer and reseller's staff.
    • Currency — a national currency for created reseller.
    • Login - a link to sign in to the Reseller Control Panel using the reseller credentials (see Logging to the Reseller Control Panel);
    • Manager - a manager of the upline Reseller (Operator) who is responsible for this Reseller.
    • Email - a contact email of the Reseller in order to solve technical and billings issues.
    • additional parameters, for example, reseller_mpn_id — Microsoft Partner Network ID. The value of MPN ID will be sent to Microsoft after ordering Microsoft cloud service by customer/manager of the Reseller.
  5. Click Update to save changes.