Viewing and updating general Reseller's Information
To view and edit Reseller's information:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- On the Navigation Bar, click Operations > Operations > Resellers. The Workspace displays the List of Resellers.
- Click the Name link of the required Reseller.
- Edit the values in the fields, which are available for changing on the General tab:
- ID — a unique identification number of the Reseller;
- Name — a reseller name, which is displayed on the online store and Customer control panel;
- Domain — a domain name, which is used to gain access to the ActivePlatform by the customer and reseller's staff.
- Currency — a national currency for created reseller.
- Login - a link to sign in to the Reseller Control Panel using the reseller credentials (see Logging to the Reseller Control Panel);
- Manager - a manager of the upline Reseller (Operator) who is responsible for this Reseller.
- Email - a contact email of the Reseller in order to solve technical and billings issues.
- additional parameters, for example, reseller_mpn_id — Microsoft Partner Network ID. The value of MPN ID will be sent to Microsoft after ordering Microsoft cloud service by customer/manager of the Reseller.
- Click Update to save changes.