Splitting of Charges when a Subscription is deleted

Splitting of Charges when a Subscription was deleted is carried out for the Reservation, the CSP annual, and the CSP monthly billing types. Charges behaviour in the case of other billing types is described in Charges for Pay-as-you-go billing type and Charges for Pay in full billing type. Deleting of the Subscription is blocked for the G Suite and Non-refund billing types.

Splitting of Charges when a Subscription was deleted is performed as described below:

  1. A Charge for the current Billing period of the Subscription usage receives the Deleted status.
  2. Creation and closing of a Charge for the actual period of Subscription usage in the current Billing period:
    1. Charge period: from the start of the current Billing period to the date of the Subscription deleting;
    2. Charge close date: the date of the Subscription deleting;
    3. Charge amount: is proportional to the actual Subscription usage period in the current Billing period taking into account the actual number of days in a month (see Charges default attributes).
  3. Charges for the future Billing periods are deleted.

The picture below shows the scheme of the Charges splitting when the Subscription is deleted through the example of the Reservation billing type (see Charges for Reservation billing type).