Viewing the List of Account Types

To view the List of Account Types:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Billing > Account Types. The Workspace displays the List of Account Types.

    The Workspace displays the following blocks:
    • Top bar (for more information see Working with the List of Objects);
    • List of Account Types with the following columns:
      • ID — a unique identification number of the Account Type;
      • Name — a name of the Account Type;
      • Name Pattern - a template for account's name, which is displayed on ActivePlatform. The following options available for entering:
        • % first_name — first customer name.
        • % middle_name — middle customer name.
        • % last_name — last customer name.
        • % primary_name — a name entered in the Primary name field.
      • Delegated -  the attribute is set to Yes if the Account Type was delegated (inherited) from Operator (upline Reseller).
        If the Account Type is changed by Operator (upline Reseller), then corresponding delegated Account Types inherit the changes.
        If the Account Type is deleted by Operator (upline Reseller), then the corresponding delegated Account Types are also deleted for the downline Resellers, which do not have Accounts of this Account Type.
        If the Account Type is deleted by Operator (upline Reseller), then for the downline Resellers, which have Accounts of this Account Type, the corresponding Account Type is not deleted. The Delegated attribute of this Account Type is set to No.
        If the Account Type delegated to a downline Reseller has a key, that equals one of the keys of existing Account Types of this Reseller, then a warning message is displayed when the List of Account Types is viewed.

        In that case the Manager needs to change the keys of the Account Types listed in the message (see Viewing and updating Account Type's details).