Viewing and updating Certificate Vendor's details

To view and update Certificate Vendor's details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Notification > Certificate Vendors. The Workspace displays the List of Certificate Vendors (see Viewing the List of Certificate Vendors). 
  3. Click the ID or Name link for the required Certificate Vendor.

    The Certificate Vendor's details page, which consists of Certificate Vendor information:
    • Plugin - a name of the Plugin that is used for connecting to the SSL certificate service;
    • Name - a name of the Certificate Vendor;
    • Additional settings - options for connecting to the SSL certificate service. The number of options in this group depends on the selected Plugin.

To update the Certificate Vendor:

  1. Edit options that are available for changing.
  2. Click the Update button to save changes.