Viewing the List of Discounts

To view the List of Discounts:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Operations > Products > Discounts. The Workspace displays the List of Discounts.

    The Workspace displays the following blocks:
    • Top bar (for more information see Working with Lists of Objects);
    • List of Discounts with the following columns:
      • ID — a unique identification number of the discount;
      • Name — a discount name;
      • Type — a type of the discount:
        • Promo Code - a discount is applied when the Promo Code is entered during the creation of the Order.
        • Account - a discount is applied to the selected Accounts or Account Classes.
        • Combination - a discount is applied to the certain Plan if the following condition was fulfilled: the Customer has ordered desired Plan before ordering a discounted Plan.
        • Reseller - a discount is applied to the Plans that were delegated to downline Reseller.
      • Status — one of the following statuses of the discount:
        • active - the discount is available to apply;
        • inactive - the discount is unavailable to apply;
      • Rate - an amount of the discount (percentage or fixed amount);
      • From and To — a period of the discount.