Plan Information

To add information about the Plan on the Plan information step, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Name field, enter a name of the Plan.

  2. In the SKU field, enter the Plan SKU.
  3. In the Plan category list, select a category of the Plan (see Managing Plan Categories).
  4. In the Product list, select a Product that is related to the Plan.
  5. In the Description field, enter an additional information about the Plan. This information is displayed to customers in the online store and in Customer Control Panel.

    You can use HTML when filling in the Plan description.

  6. Select the Public checkbox to make the Plan available for sale.
  7. Select the Singleton checkbox to restrict to an Account to order more than one Subscription, which is based on this Plan. If the Singleton checkbox is set, a customer can order a Subscription to the Plan only once. The second Subscription will be available only if the status of the previous Subscription is Deleted.
  8. Select the Fixed price checkbox to fix the existing Subscriptions prices until the Subscription renewal regardless of the changes in the Plan prices. If the Fixed price checkbox is set, a customer pays for the Subscription and for the order of additional Resources same price as it was set at the moment of the Subscription order. The new price is applied only after the Subscription is renewed.
  9. In the Icon, click the Choose File button to select a Plan logo. This logo is displayed in Customer Control Panel.
  10. In the Plan Class list, select a Plan class (see Managing Plan Classes).
  11. You can select the Auto renewal checkbox to activate the auto-renewal option for subscriptions.
  12. In the Renew point field, enter a number of days prior to the Subscription expiration date when an Account receives an Invoce for the Subscription renewal.
  13. In the Attributes group, fill in Additional attributes information, if these Attributes were created previously (see Managing Attributes).
  14. Click Next. The Workspace displays the Plan Application Templates step (see Plan Application Templates).