Password Settings

Complete the following steps to manage the security settings:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Configuration > Security Settings.

  3. On the Password Settings tab of the Security Settings page, select a rule of the password validating in the :
    • Strong - password requirements

      • minimum 8 characters;
      • letters and numbers;
      • the letters in different registers (Aa);
      • at least 1 symbol ($%&,...).
    • Good - password requirements

      • minimum 8 characters;
      • letters and numbers;
      • the letters in different registers (Aa) or at least 1 symbol ($%&,...).
    • Weak - password requirements:

      • minimum 8 characters;
      • letters and numbers.
  4. You set the 
  5. Click Update to save changes.