User Settings

Complete the following steps to manage the user security settings:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Configuration > Security Settings.
  3. Click the User settings tab. 

  4. In the SignOn method list, select one of the following items:

OAuth 2.0

If the OAuth 2.0 item was selected in the SignOn method list:

  1. In the Admin Dn field, enter a name of the client of the OAuth server.
  2. In the OAuth Client Secret field, enter a secret key, which is used by the client of the OAuth server.
  3. In the OAuth Authorize Url field, enter a URL that is used if the user tries to log in to the Operator Control Panel.
  4. In the OAuth Get Access Token Url field, enter a URL that is used to get the a
  5.  OAuth. This ID is used to define a user, which will get access to the ActivePlatform (user ID must be entered as the "CAS user" attribute in OAuth for all users).
  6. Click Update to save changes.


If the Embedded item was selected in the SignOn method list:

  1. To configure the login rules to the Operator Control Panel, set the following options in the Login rule group:
    1. Set the Activate switcher in On.
    2. In the Login attempts field, enter a number of attempts to log in whit a wrong login or password.
    3. In the Login unlock interval, minutes field, enter a period in minutes when a new attempt of logging in will be available.

  2. To configure the expiration rules of the password, set the following options in the Password expiration rules group:
    1. Set the Activate switcher in On.
    2. In the Password Days to Expire field, enter a number of days when the user must change the password.
    3. In the Notice Days field, enter a number of days before the password expiration when a user gets the notification about the password expiration.

  3. To configure the deactivation rules for the user, set the following options in the Deactivation rules group:
    1. Set the Activate switcher in On.
    2. In the Expire after Days field, enter a number of days after the last user login when the user will be deactivated.

  4. Click Update to save changes.