Charges attributes
Charges have the following attributes:
- ID — the unique identification number of the Charge.
- Type — the purpose of the Payment that is related to the Charge. The following Charge types exist:
- Setup fee is a non-recurring Charge for Service or Resource setup.
- Renewal fee is a non-recurring Charge for Service or Resource renewal.
Transfer fee is a non-recurring Charge for Subscription transfer.
Transfer fee can be applied to domain Subscriptions only.
- Recurring fee is a monthly Charge for Service or Resource usage.
Subscription resource consumption is an accumulative Charge, which is generated based on the consumed resources records.
The Subscription resource consumption Charge is generated only for the Subscriptions with the Pay as you go (external) billing type.
- Related operation is an operation in the platform related to the Charge and mentioned in the Charge description. The following Related operations exist:
- Purchasing Plan
- Upgrade resource
- Renewal subscription
- Renewal resource
- Switch Plan
- Switch resource
Domain transfer
A Related operation does not necessary directly point to the action in the platform caused the Charge creation or changes of its attributes. The Related operation should be considered together with the Charge status (see below).
For example:
The actual operation that is initiated by the Operator is reducing the Resource amount.
As the result of the operation, the Charge that is related to the Upgrade resource is changed, and new Charges are generated, which are as well related to the Upgrade resource.
The Related operation is not specified for the Subscription resource consumption Charge.
- Period — the period covered by the Charge. The period is measured in months, for example, one day is displayed as 0.033, and two years as 24. In Operator Control Panel, the period is displayed in the Charge description.
- Status — Charges can have the following statuses:
- New — the status of a Charge generated for ordered but not yet paid Services or Resources.
- Opened — the status of a Charge, which does not block the funds at the Account balance, and is generated for the future periods of Services or Resources usage.
- Blocked — the status of a Charge, which blocks the funds at the Account balance. It can be generated for Services or Resources that are provisioned at the moment, or for the future periods of the Subscription, depending on the billing type (see Charges for the Subscriptions with different billing types).
- Closed — the status of a Charge for Services or Resources that were already provisioned, and the amount of which was charged off from Account balance.
- Deleted — the status of a Charge, which was deleted due to changes in Services or Resources provisioning, or in the case when Order was not paid until the end of Due order period.
- Waiting for a refund — the status of a Charge, an amount of which should be returned to the Account balance.
- Refunded — the status of a Charge, an amount of which was returned to the Account balance due to changes in Services or Resources provisioning.
- Discount — the amount of the discount applied to the Charge.
- Amount — the amount of money, by which an Account balance will be changed after the Charge final processing.
- Close date — the supposed or actual date of the Charge final processing.
- Billing date — the processing date of resource consumption in the platform. For Subscriptions with the Pay as you go (external) billing type, the Billing date allows separating the date when a resource was consumed on the service side and the date when the platform acquired the consumption data.