Viewing Guaranteed Payment's details

To view the Guaranteed Payment's details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Guaranteed Payments (see Navigation). The list of Guaranteed Payments is displayed (see Viewing List of Guaranteed Payments).
  3. Click the ID or Payment Number link of the Payment.

    Payment's details page consists of following tabs:
    • General — guaranteed payment information:
      • ID — a unique identification number of the guaranteed payment;
      • Status — one of the following statuses of the payment:
        • Provided — the Guaranteed Payment has been provided;
        • Revoked — the Guaranteed Payment has been revoked manually or automatically because of Account balance top-up exceeding or equal to the amount of the Guaranteed Payment (see Revoking a Guaranteed Payment);
        • Revoked because of top-up - the Guaranteed Payment has been revoked automatically because of Account balance top up not exceeding the amount of the Guaranteed Payment (see Automatically Revoking a Guaranteed Payment);
        • Provided because of top-up - new Guaranteed Payment has been created automatically because of Account balance top up not exceeding the amount of the Guaranteed Payment (see Automatically Revoking a Guaranteed Payment).
      • Account — a name of an account, which balance has been topped up;
      • Total — a total amount of the guaranteed payment;
      • Expiration Date — a date and time when the Account balance will be reduced by a corresponding amount;
      • Revoke Date — a date and time when the payment was revoked;
      • Comment — additional information about payment.
    • Log — a history of payment's changes (see Viewing the System Log).