Viewing the List of Promo Codes
To view the List of Promo Codes:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- On the Navigation Bar go to Discounts. The list of Discounts is displayed (see Viewing the List of Discounts).
- Select the Promo Code discount, by clicking on the link in the ID or Name column.
- Go to the Promo Codes tab. The Workspace displays the list of added Promo Codes.
The Promo Codes tab consists the following blocks:- Top bar (for more information see Working with Lists of Objects);
- List of Promo Codes with the following columns:
- ID — a unique identification number of the Promo Code.
- Promo Code — a promo code text.
- Status — a status of the promo code:
- active — the promo code is available to use;
- inactive — the promo code is unavailable to use;
- Multi-Use — a mark if the promo code can be used more than once.
- Activations — a number of applied discounts using the promo code.