Adding a Top-Level Domain

Before creating a new Top-Level Domain (TLD), you should add the Domain registrar (see Managing Domain Registrars) that will register Domains.

To add a new Top-Level Domain:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar go to TLDs (see Navigation). The list of TLDs is displayed (see Viewing the List of TLDs).
  3. Click the Create button on the Toolbar. The New TLD page will be displayed on the screen.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name of the new TLD.  The name can contain from 2 to 63 characters.
  5. In the Plan list, you can select the Plan that will require domain registration in this TLD.
  6. In the First Checker list, select a Domain Registrar (see Managing Domain Registrars) that will check domain availability for registration. To check the availability of domains for registration through a WHOIS-server, in the First Checker list, select the WHOIS-server.
  7. You can add up to three checkers for the TLD. If more checkers needed, in the Second Checker or/and Third Checker list, select required checkers. If the First checker is unavailable, the check will be implemented through the Second checker etc.
  8. You can set Display in favourites checkbox to display current TLD in the favourites list.
  9. In the Priority field, you can type the priority level of displaying of the TLD. The 1 is the highest priority.
  10. field, you can enter a regular expression, which will check the symbols that can be used for domain registration.
  11. Click Create. The new TLD will be displayed on the List of TLDs (see Viewing the List of TLDs).