Checking pages titles
Follow next steps to verify the correctness of the replacing pages titles (see Replacing pages titles):
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel (see Authentication) using credentials (login and password) of the Manager created earlier for this Reseller (see Creating Reseller's manager).
- Check the headers of the pages that are based on the following UI Templates:
- ClientHead - the template of the <head> tag of the Customer Control Panel (see Authentication in the ActivePlatform. Customer Control Panel);
- AdminHead - the template for the <head> tag of the Operator Control Panel (see Authentication in the ActivePlatform. Operator (Reseller) Control Panel);
- SessionHead - the template for the <head> tag for the Sign in, Sign up, Reset Password pages in the Customer Panel (see Authentication in the ActivePlatform. Customer Control Panel);
- Market — the template for the Market Place page of the Customer Panel, displaying the most affordable Plans (see Ordering an Application for registered Users in the ActivePlatform. Customer Control Panel).