Placeholders for configuring payment methods
The following placeholders can be used for configuring payment methods (see Creating a payment method).
Placeholder | Description |
payment.payment_method | The payment method name |
payment.account_id | The ID of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_name | The full name of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_type_key | The account type key of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_custom_attributes['attribute_key'] | The value of an additional attribute with the given key (see Creating an attribute) of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_address | The full address of an account linked to the payment. Autogenerated from the address information of the account (see Creating an account). Example: 143246, Russia, Moscow region, Novodvorsk city, Lenina str., building 3, office 5 |
payment.account_email | The email of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_phone | The phone number of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_country | The country code of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_country_name | The country name of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_region | The region of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_city | The city of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_zip | The zip of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_street | The street of an account linked to the payment |
payment.account_building | The building of an account linked to the payment | | The payment ID |
payment.document_id | The payment document number |
payment.document_number | The payment number in the payment document | | The payment total |
payment.total_in_words | The payment total in letters |
payment.status | The payment status (see Payment types) |
payment.comment | The payment comment |
payment.orders | Information about orders linked to the payment (semicolon-separated list) |
payment.order_charges | The list of the charges linked to the payment (separated by ";"): description, quantity, unit_price, unit_price_without_tax, discount_amount, discounted_unit_price_without_tax, amount_without_tax, period, tax_percent, amount, discount_ids |
payment.order_charges.size | The number of charges in a PDF receipt |
payment.grouped_order_charges | The list of the grouped charges linked to the payment (separated by ";" parameters are set for the first charge in a group if not specified otherwise): id; name; description; unit_price (price); amount (specified as the total amount for a group); duration (period); discount_ids; discount_amount (specified as the total amount for a group); quantity (specified as the total amount for a group); operate_from; operate_to; type; plan_id; plan_resource_id; unit_price_without_tax; discounted_unit_price_without_tax; amount_without_tax (specified as the total amount for a group); unit_price_with_discount; tax_percent. Charges are grouped if have the following identical parameters: |
payment.grouped_order_charges.size | The number of grouped charges in a PDF receipt |
payment.created_at | The date and time when the payment is created |
payment.provisioning_items | Information about resources linked to the payment |
payment.positive_provisioning_items | Information about resources linked to the payment and with the resource amount greater than 0 |
payment.topup? | The indicator of a top-up payment |
payment.topup_sum | The top-up amount |
payment.automatically_generated? | The indicator of a payment created automatically by the platform |
payment.invoices | Information about Invoices linked to the payment |
payment.panel_link | A link to the payment in the Customer Control Panel |
payment.downloadable | The indicator of the availability of a downloadable receipt for the payment |
payment.receipt_url | The receipt download link for the payment |
payment.purpose | The purpose of the top-up payment (see Creating a payment manually) |
payment.due_date | The due date for the payment. Depending on the payment mode:
payment.external_total | The amount of a third-party invoice, if specified (see Managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system). For a PDF template only |
payment.external_currency | The ISO code of the currency of a third-party invoice, if specified (see Managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system). For a PDF template only |