Checking email notifications sending

To verify the correctness of the email server configuration (see Configuring reseller's mail server):

  1. Using the credentials of the created manager (see Creating reseller's manager), sign in to the Operator Control Panel of the reseller.
  2. Create an account (see Creating an account) using a test email address to receive notifications.
  3. Go to the Customer Control Panel login page.
  4. Click Forgot your password? (see Resetting the password to the Customer Control Panel in the ActivePlatform. Customer Control Panel).
  5. On the Reset Password page, enter the email address of the created account.
  6. Click Send instruction.
  7. Check the inbox and open the message with the instructions. If you do not receive a message, check the spam folder, and check the entered email address.
  8. Check the logo, company name, and links in the message.