Viewing product information

To view and update the details of a product received from Vendor Portal:

  1. Go to Vendor Service Settings (see Navigation). The list of products received from Vendor Portal is displayed (see Viewing the list of products received from Vendor Portal).
  2. Click the ID or name of the required product. The product details page is displayed. 

    The page includes the following elements:

    • Receive new prices from vendor portal — a switch responsible for updating prices of the product in the platform when the vendor updates the corresponding product in Vendor Portal. By default, the switch is turned Off.
    • Product JSON — the full information about the product provided by the vendor in Vendor Portal. Information is presented in the JSON format.

    The product JSON is updated every time when a vendor updates, activates, or deactivates a product in Vendor Portal. As a result, all changes made via the Operator Control Panel are overwritten.

  3. If it is necessary to update the product details:
    1. Update the information available for editing.
    2. Click Update.