Version 2.0. Release date 26.01.2018
New features
- Vendor Portal was implemented as a component of the ActivePlatform ecosystem. Vendor Portal provides any cloud services vendors with the opportunity to offer services through the distribution networks created using ActivePlatform. Vendors can add services by creating and configuring Products in Vendor Portal and choosing distributors who can sell the service. After a Product creation in Vendor Portal, a set of Application Templates, Plans, Plan Classes and Products is generated for all distributors that have been selected during the product configuration. Specially created Vendor Service Plugin is used to establish a connection between Vendor Portal and ActivePlatform. (BBB-5434)
- The Customer Store component has been added to the ActivePlatform ecosystem. Customer Store allows the Distributor (Reseller):
- have their own showcase of products;
- automatically synchronize all changes in product information (prices changes, plan periods) that were implemented in ActivePlatform;
- customize store's design;
- customize the product catalog, add categories and subcategories of products;
- broaden the product information, in addition to the product received from Vendor;
- configure incorporated recommender system.
- Implemented a new approach to service integration into ActivePlatform. The current scheme for creating and integrating plugins was simplified. Now special software development kit (SDK) can be used for plugin creation. The SDK simplifies the platform's interaction with any plugin that is used to integrate a new service. Using the SDK allows you to increase the speed of new plugins development. To improve the quality of development, the process of creating a new plugin is divided into the sequence of steps with a predetermined structure and order of actions. For visualization, the Scenario entity was added to the ActivePlatform, which is available in the "Scenario" section of Operator Control Panel. The scenario page displays the visual structure of the operations within the selected scenario. The scenario page allows you to get information about an action that was executed successfully or which executed with an error. Also, the scenario page contains advanced logging of events. (BBB-5575)
- Implemented inheriting, versioning and managing of the notification and UI templates in the OCP. The templates created by Operator (upline Reseller) are automatically delegated to all downline Resellers. Template changes made by Operator (upline Reseller) are automatically applied to the inherited templates if the downline Reseller did not modify the template. Inherited and default templates cannot be deleted.
Implemented the functionality of comparison and managing the template changes (revert, update, compare with the initial version and highlight the changes). (BBB-5044) - Product categories and Products sections were added in Operator Control Panel. A wizard for Product creation was implemented. An option to link Service plan with a Product was added to the Service plan page. Following API methods were implemented: Get Resellers list, Get Reseller by ID, Get Product categories list, Get Products list. (BBB-5734)
- Implemented a new approach to billing rules configuration for new and existing services integrated into ActivePlatform. Added the Billing type entity that allows to select one of the existing set of billing rule. In Operator Control Panel, the "Billing type" drop-down list has been added to the Plan class page, using which you can select one of the existing sets of billing rules for the service: "CSP annual", "CSP monthly", "Reservation", "Pay in full", "Pay as you go". (BBB-5010)
- ActivePlatform architecture and stability were improved, namely:
- In platform's core:
- versions of the Ruby interpreter and Ruby on Rails framework were updated;
- caching mechanisms, queuing of tasks, database requests were optimized;
- Elasticsearch integration into the platform was improved;
- the logic of notification categories creation was optimized;
- plugins of integrated services were tested and improved;
- In Operator Control Panel:
- issues with domains and subscriptions search were fixed;
- filters for grids of pages were improved;
- export of data in .xls format was optimized;
- handling of exceptions on third-party services was implemented;
- logs for API POST request were improved. (BBB-5732)
- In platform's core:
- The Charge management logic was improved for Postpay model in the case of stopping, re-starting and deleting of the Subscription with the CSP annual billing type. (MMM-1167)
- The "Balance" filter was added to the "Accounts" page of the OCP with the ability to search by specified account balance range. (BBB-2791)
Bugs resolved
- Fixed an issue with ordering the OnlyOffice subscription in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-7773, BBB-7775)
- Fixed an issue with getting access to the “Resource” tab of the subscription’s details in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7796)
- Fixed an issue with trying to open the Scenarios page in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7903)
- Fixed an issue with occurring the error when clicking the "OnlyOffice Application" link on the OnlyOffice subscription page in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-7898)
- Fixed an issue with activation of the user in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-7896)
- Fixed an issue with approving the Correction in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7986)
- Fixed an issue with occurring the error when the Payment’s details page is opened in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7493)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect work of the “Get payment methods by ID" API method. (BBB-7934)
- Fixed an issue with ordering the Subscription in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-7594)
- Fixed an issue with occurring the error when the Account type is updated in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7676)
- Fixed an issue with ordering the Plan with additional resources in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-7330)
- Fixed an issue with a payment from Account balance when ordering a Delegated plan in Reseller Control Panel. (BBB-7915)
- Fixed an issue with a correction creation in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7354)
- Fixed an issue with user's global status after activation and deactivation in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7990)
- Fixed an issue with saving of data in Account required fields on the OCP. (BBB-7963)
- Fixed an issue with changing user's role via API request. (BBB-7678)
- Fixed an issue with OnlyOffice application installation logic. (BBB-8163)
- Fixed an issue with viewing the Scenario tab in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-8345)
- Fixed an issue with deleting of the OnlyOffice subscriptions with Ordered and Installation failed statuses. (BBB-8340)
- Fixed an issue with notifications when trying to delete an order in Provisioning failed status. (BBB-8386)
- Fixed an issue with the deactivation of the user for the Account in the OCP. (BBB-8155)
- Fixed an issue with the order provisioning for the subscription based on the Manual Provisioning plugin in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-8159)
- Fixed an issue with a creation of Microsoft Exchange application user in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-8419, BBB-9084)
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect system behaviour when activating or deactivating user's Account access in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-8411)
- Fixed an issue with a display of new Microsoft Exchange application user in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-8424)
- Fixed an issue with a configuration task creation for the stopped subscription after changing an included/minimal amount of resource in a Service plan. (BBB-8509)
- Fixed an issue with stopping and activating a stopped subscription in OCP. (BBB-8583)
- Fixed an issue with displaying the Resources rates after synchronization in OCP. (BBB-8617)
- Fixed an issue with registering a .com domain name in CCP. (BBB-8470)
- Fixed an issue with viewing the root Reseller's information page in OCP. (BBB-8606)
- Fixed an issue with closing the charges. (BBB-8162)
- Fixed an issue with the user interface on the viewing discount's details page in OCP. (BBB-6292)
- Fixed an issue with synchronizing the Plan periods and Plan resources if the Plan has been delegated in OCP. (BBB-8877)
- Fixed an issue with switching the plan in OCP. (BBB-8971)
- Fixed an issue with updating the Resource rates of the Plan in OCP. (BBB-8554)
- Fixed an issue with creating a new Reseller in OCP. (BBB-8939)
- Fixed an issue with creating a new Reseller or a new Account if the "Use GeoIP" check box is selected on the System Settings page in OCP. (BBB-8973)
- Fixed an issue with ordering the subscriptions for the plans attributed to the Microsoft CSP Plan class. (BBB-8977)
- Fixed an issue with the occurring of the error instead of the validation message during Subscription ordering in OCP in the case when the Plan period field is empty. (BBB-9106)
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect calculation of the Recurring fee Charges and Debits updating after the monthly price of the Dr.Web Resources was changed. (MMM-8978)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect manual operations creation in case, when several Resources types of Subscriptions that are based on the Manual Provisioning plugin are upgraded or downgraded at one time via OCP. (BBB-9074)
- Fixed an issue with the error occurring when trying to update prices in the CSP price update module of Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9070)
- Fixed an issue with the error occurring when clicking the Account link from the Applications tab of the Dr. Web Application Template page in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9159)
- Fixed an issue with installing default notification templates. (BBB-8312)
- Fixed an issue with trying to edit empty Distributor attributes in the Vendor Service Settings module of Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9151)
- Fixed an issue with the lack of redirection to the next tab of the CSP price update wizard when clicking the Next button in OCP. (BBB-9173)
- Fixed an issue with the impossibility to open Reseller page by clicking Reseller ID in the Resellers list. (BBB-9180)
- Fixed an issue with the notifications in CCP. (BBB-9144)
- Fixed an issue with creating and paying a zero-amount Payment in CCP. (BBB-9050)
- Fixed an issue with the processing of guaranteed payments with amounts that are less or equal to zero in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9032)
- Fixed an issue with applying of filters to the Scenarios in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9213)
- Fixed an issue with the Storage page display to the CloudServer Application Template in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9261)
- Fixed an issue with the ordering of a Subscription by a new user in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9264)
- Fixed an issue with Subscription order confirmation in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9257)
- Fixed an issue with the subdomain registration in the .by zone in CCP. (BBB-9143)
- Fixed an issue with the missing statistics on consumed resources of the CloudServer Application in CCP. (BBB-9286)
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect display of the validation message when the language settings were changed in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9301)
- Fixed an issue with ordering a Subscription to the Office 365 Application in OCP. (BBB-9277)
- Fixed an issue with installing default notification templates. (BBB-8312)
- Fixed an issue with cancelling the ordering a domain Subscription in OCP. (BBB-9240)
- Fixed an issue with user detaching from the Account in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9287)
- Fixed an issue with the default filtering of records on the page with the list of Accounts in OCP. (BBB-9214)
- Fixed an issue with records filtering on the page with the list of domains in OCP. (BBB-9104)
- Fixed an issue with displaying the Placeholders in the body of notifications. (BBB-9246)
- Fixed an issue with repeated sorting of records in OCP. (BBB-9181)
- Fixed an issue on the sign-in page to CCP after changing the language. (BBB-9250)
- Fixed an issue with changing the language on the page with the List of Orders in CCP. (BBB-9375)
- Fixed an issue with validation for the Resources amount at the Subscription ordering via Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9340)
- Fixed an issue with Subscription autorenewal, if the "Renew point" parameter of a Plan is set to zero. (BBB-9260)
- Fixed an issue with uploading an XLSX file with prices in the "CSP Price Update" plugin when the necessary information is missing from the file. (BBB-7783)
- Fixed an issue with language changing on the Reset Password page for CCP. (BBB-9404)
- Fixed an issue with changing the logo for registration and authorization pages by Reseller. (BBB-9361)
- Fixed an issue with updating an Account's User in OCP. (BBB-9033)
- Fixed an issue with filtering the records on the page with the list of Payments in CCP. (BBB-9048)
- Fixed an issue with missing records in the Log of Application Template about changes introduced at any tabs of the Application Template details page, excluding the "General" tab. (BBB-9160)
- Fixed an issue with missing pagination on the page with the list of Plans delegated to a Reseller in OCP. (BBB-9316)
- Fixed an issue with the “translation_missing” error at ordering an SSL Certificate Subscription page. (BBB-9097)
- Fixed an issue with missing records in the UI Templates Log. (BBB-9142)
- Fixed an issue with downgrading Subscription to the Office 365 resources amount via Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9411)
- Fixed an issue with closing the order for additional resources change, made during the last month of a Microsoft CSP subscription. (BBB-9273)
- Fixed an issue with missing validation for correct email addresses of the recipients and senders of an Open-Xchange distribution group in CCP. (BBB-9127)
- Fixed an issue with the possibility of creating an Order for a Subscription to a deleted Plan Period using API. (BBB-9220)
- Fixed an issue with creating a new user in CCP using Open-Xchange application to create a mailbox. (BBB-9152)
- Fixed an issue with changing the language in OCP and CCP. (BBB-9448)
- Fixed an issue with missing notification for creation a new CloudServer server and for resetting the password for a CloudServer server. (BBB-9288)
- Fixed an issue with the missing validation for the space symbols before or after the Category name for the new Category creation in OCP. (BBB-9336)
- Fixed an issue with the importing of users in CCP. (BBB-9438)
- Fixed an issue with the possibility of selecting the deleted Plan Period on the Subscription details page in OCP. (BBB-8928)
- Fixed an issue with viewing the page with details about an application instance. (BBB-9461)
- Fixed an issue with filtering the imported users list in CCP. (BBB-9456)
- Fixed an issue with completing the Payment for the "Skype for Business" Subscription using the balance funds. (BBB-9457)
- Fixed an issue with missing validation for the capital symbols in the domain name for the domain registration in CCP. (BBB-9416)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect dates of charges that were included in the resellers closed charges report in the OCP. (BBB-7711)
- Fixed an issue with absence of errors description after importing the users in CCP. (BBB-9430)
- Fixed an issue with creating two equal values of the unique Reseller attributes in the OCP. (BBB-8546)
- Fixed an issue with Plan Periods synchronization in OCP, when one of the Plan Periods was changed to endless. (BBB-9428)
- Fixed an issue with viewing the "Sync log" section of the ADSync application in CCP. (BBB-9345)
- Fixed an issue with viewing the list of transactions, which have blocked the funds, on the "Transaction" page in CCP. (BBB-9073)
- Fixed an issue with setting the disk quota during a Microsoft Exchange mailbox creation in CCP. (BBB-8417)
- Fixed an issue on the reset password page in CCP after changing the language. (BBB-9450)
- Fixed an issue during the uploading a file with the list of users for importing in CCP. (BBB-9431)
- Fixed an issue with the subsequent creation of an endless Plan Period in OCP. (BBB-9251)
- Fixed an issue with the amount of new Charges for the Resources amount changing after the procedure of closing Charges manually. (BBB-9407)
- Fixed an issue with the default logos for the new Resellers. (BBB-9325)
- Fixed an issue with the Dr.Web resources activation when a stopped trial subscription is transferred to the paid period. (BBB-9145)
- Fixed the issues with Charges amount with "Pay in full" billing type for the Resources amount changing and at the procedure of closing Charges manually. (BBB-9458)
- Fixed an issue with saving the uploaded file with prices when returning back to the "File upload" step of the "CSP Price Update" plugin in OCP. (BBB-9469)
- Fixed an issue with resubmitting the Order for purchasing the auction domain if the domain provisioning was failed. Implemented errors logging in the auction domain Log. (BBB-9439)
- Fixed an issue with viewing the list of Notification Templates in OCP. (BBB-9532)
- Fixed an issue with setting the default country for new Account creation in OCP, if GeoIP service is disabled. (BBB-9554)
- Fixed an issue with the user interface on the "New Subscription" page when ordering an Application in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9332)
- Fixed an issue with the giving access to the Service to which User has already access to in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9293)
- Fixed an issue with the resource downgrading of the Kaspersky service in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9567)
- Fixed an issue with displaying the list of plans for trial accounts in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9550)
- Fixed an issue with filtering the records on the page with the list of Orders in the Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9099)
- Fixed an issue with changing the language on the page with the domain information in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9578)
- Fixed an issue with activating a stopped Subscription to the "Dr.Web Antivirus" application on the Subscription details page in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9564)
- Fixed an issue with setting the value of the Attribute with the "date" data type on the "New Account" page in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9584)
- Fixed an issue with deleting an Account Type in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9157)
- Fixed an issue with calculating, after the billing day, the discount amount of a Payment with the promo code discount, created before the billing day. (BBB-9552)
- Fixed an issue with giving a User access to the Services in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9613)
- Fixed the issue with logging the events of importing, issuing and deleting the Promo Vendor promo codes in the Promo Vendor Log in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9534)
- Fixed an issue in the Orders description, completed without making a Payment. (BBB-9093)
- Fixed an issue with missing records in the Log of a Discount about changes introduced at any tabs of the Discount details page, excluding the "General" tab. (BBB-6571)
- Fixed an issue with the status and amount of the recurring fee Charges for the Subscriptions for the Plans with the "CSP monthly" billing type, when the Subscription was stopped, activated and then deleted during the paid period. (BBB-9341)
- Fixed an issue with passing the billing type to the Microsoft Partner Center for the Microsoft Office 365 Subscriptions with the "CSP annual" billing type. (BBB-9625)
- Fixed an issue with the password generation during the APS package installation. (BBB-9525)
- Fixed an issue with setup fee displaying in the invoice when the Subscription was ordered at the Biling day. (BBB-8405)
- Fixed an issue with the viewing by the Operator of the child Reseller's debits for the Dr.Web Subscriptions. (BBB-9509)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect amount of the Order for the Resources upgrade for the Subscriptions with the CSP monthly billing type, when the Charges for the Subscription were closed manually. (BBB-9587)
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect calculation of the disk volume price in the Cloud Server Control panel when the new server is created. (BBB-9406)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect displaying of the total amount on the Order confirmation page in Operator Control Panel, when upgrading Resources of a Plan that is based on the Manual provisioning plugin. (BBB-9077)
- Fixed an issue with the stopping of a Subscription with the "CSP monthly" billing type in a Billing day in the case when an Account has not enough of a usable balance, but has sufficient amount of money to pay for the next Billing period if the Credit limit is taken into account. (BBB-9623)
- Fixed an issue with the Accont user creation in Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9674)
- Fixed an issue with the link to the next page in the API response to a request for the downline Resellers list. (BBB-9611)
- Fixed an issue with sending a duplicate mail with login and password for Microsoft Partner Center, when a Subscription to the same Office 365 Plan was deleted and then reordered. (BBB-9112)
- Fixed an issue with the absent limit of the maximum length of name and name pattern for the new Account Type in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-9571)
- Fixed an issue with the string escaping in the Plan Category "Description" field. (BBB-9618)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect redirecting, if the language is changed after validation check on empty fields in the forms in Operator Control Panel. (BBB-7733)
- Fixed an issue with activating the Subscriptions for the Plans with "Pay in full" and "CSP monthly" billing types, after the Account is moved from the credit hold and the account balance is insufficient to pay the recurring fees for the Subscriptions. (BBB-9186)
- The downline Resellers are not allowed to change the upstream Reseller's (Operator) Application Template settings. (BBB-9616)
- Fixed an issue with changing Customer Control Panel language during the subscription order. (BBB-8441)
- Fixed an issue with the availability of ordering the Plan Resource sent from Vendor Portal, if the Plan Resource was deleted in Vendor Portal. (BBB-8444)
- Fixed an issue with an incorrect behavior of the Charges for the Subscriptions with the "Pay in full" billing type, when the Subscription was deleted on the Billing day. (MMM-1182)
- Fixed an issue with the opened Charges deleting on the expiration date of the Subscriptions with the "Pay in full" billing type, when the Subscription was previously stopped. (MMM-1145)
- Fixed an issue with localization and the user interface of Operator Control Panel and Customer Control Panel. (BBB-9292, BBB-9321, BBB-9147, BBB-4485,BBB-9067, BBB-9023, BBB-9169, BBB-7140, BBB-7157, BBB-9079, BBB-9182, BBB-9195, BBB-9083, BBB-9207, BBB-9101, BBB-9243, BBB-9086, BBB-9346, BBB-9187, BBB-9054, BBB-9370, BBB-9272, BBB-9322, BBB-9158, BBB-9211, BBB-9390, BBB-9312, BBB-9414, BBB-9412, BBB-9415, BBB-9312, BBB-9036, BBB-9043, BBB-7901, BBB-9403, BBB-9397, BBB-9367, BBB-9437, BBB-9424, BBB-9442, BBB-9179, BBB-9462, BBB-9503, BBB-9515, BBB-9075, BBB-9418, BBB-9419, BBB-9538, BBB-9215, BBB-9171, BBB-9426, BBB-9276, BBB-9569, BBB-9236, BBB-9556, BBB-9576, BBB-9002, BBB-9320, BBB-9592, BBB-9126, BBB-9365, BBB-9020, BBB-9138, BBB-9165, BBB-9190, BBB-9308, BBB-5652, BBB-7361, BBB-7360, BBB-8575, BBB-7972, BBB-7913, BBB-9672, BBB-6802, BBB-8593, BBB-8306, BBB-8577, BBB-6946, BBB-9700, BBB-8576, BBB-5790, BBB-8739, BBB-9607, BBB-7511, AAA-2605, AAA-2603, EEE-1494, BBB-9332)