Version 6.0. Release date 07 April 2022

New features and enhancements:

Improved billing and cancelling for Microsoft New Commerce Experience subscriptions ordered at the end of the month

If the number of days from the subscription activation date to the end of a billing period appears less than the number of days in the service term, closing the charges for such subscriptions is now only delayed until the billing day (the first day of the month). This allows including information about the purchase in a single invoice. The period when a customer can delete a Microsoft NCE subscription with a refund for the unused portion, in this case, is also limited by the next billing day. (CR-1691)

Added the ability to switch a plan for annual Google Workspace subscriptions

For Google Workspace Annual monthly and Annual yearly subscriptions, it is now possible to switch a plan, including the ability to increase or reduce the number of resources. Annual subscriptions are switched on the expiration date in Pacific Standard Time. The delayed switch plan order and temporal switching a subscription on the Google side to Flexible are used. The new number of resources must be greater than or equal to the number of active assigned licenses on the Google side. Additionally, the platform compares the SKU of a new plan with the Google Workspace SKU of the subscription on the Google side. If they do not match, the platform recreates a subscription on the Google side with the new SKU, which matches the SKU in the platform. (CR-1520)

Implemented integration with the Allsoft payment gateway (Softline Payments API)

The integration uses the previously developed SDK. After completing settings for a payment gateway connector for a reseller, customers can pay in ARS and RUB via various payment methods. (CR-1538)

Added the ability to automatically pay from balance for a prolong order during the grace period

If a customer tops up the account balance with sufficient funds, a subscription in the grace period with an unpaid prolong order will be paid from balance automatically and activated on the next day. It means that in this case, a customer does not need more to complete the payment manually after topping up the account balance. During the grace period, the platform performs daily attempts to pay from balance for the existing prolong order. (CR-1662)

Improved billing of subscriptions stopped due to unpaid prolongation

The new logic covers the cases when a subscription remains stopped more than one billing period, but it is necessary to exclude the previous billing periods from payment for its prolongation.

When a prolong order is created automatically or manually for a subscription with the CSP monthly billing type stopped due to unpaid prolongation, charges are generated from the order creation date rather than from the date to which the subscription was paid last time. When a prolong order is cancelled at the end of a billing period, all charges linked to the order are deleted, including all charges for the grace period. (CR-1681)

Improved user experience in the platform

  • The same additional attribute for the account entity can now be used with different account types. Additional attributes with the same keys previously created for different account types have been merged and become available in the Operator Control Panel as common filters in the list of accounts. (CR-627)
  • On an invoice page in the Operator Control Panel and a payment page in the Customer Control Payment, the quantity of service or resource is now limited by three decimal places. Previously, the quantity was displayed without limits. (CR-1715, SAP-17167)
  • For payment gateway connectors, it is now possible to set a period after which a payment in the "Processing" status will return in the "Waiting for payment" status if no answer from a payment gateway is received. (CR-1703)
  • A monthly notification with the consumption analytics for Microsoft Azure subscriptions is no longer sent if the consumption amount is 0. (CR-1732, SAP-17203)
  • Logging of the Google Workspace microservice has been improved. (CR-1503)
  • For authorization in Microsoft Partner API, the NCE plan updater has been switched to using the access tokens of the Office 365 plugin settings. (CR-1758)
  • The support of the radio button provisioning attributes has been added to allow selecting one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options during the order configuration. (CR-1678)
  • The sync process for the Office 365 plugin has been improved. (CR-1698)

Extended API

The API v3 methods for getting information about charges and plans return now information about the net cost of a charge, plan resource, and plan period based on the net cost data stored in the parent plan level. (CR-1223, CR-1749)

New methods have been added to support external management of postpaid invoices — for approving and completing an invoice by ID. Unlike the previously implemented similar methods, they are used for accounts with several invoices within the same billing period. (CR-1731)

New methods of the internal API have been implemented. (CR-1554)

Fixed issues

The following issues have been fixed: AB-29729, AB-30705, AB-30771.