Viewing and updating Subscription's details
To view a Subscription details:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- Click Operations > Operations > Subscriptions on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Subscriptions.
- Click the ID or Name link of the subscription. You see the subscription details page, which consists following tabs:
- General — an account, contact, balance information and attributes of the selected account. Also, you can add a note in the Notes field (see Adding Notes);
- Orders — a list of all orders for the current account, which have been created after ordering, renewing or upgrading the subscription (see Viewing the List of Orders);
- Resources — additional resources for selected subscription (see Plan Resources);
- Transaction — a list of subscription's transactions (see Viewing the List of Transactions);
- Event Log — a history of subscription's changes (see Viewing the Event Log).
The General tab contains the following subscription information:
- ID — a unique identification number of the subscriptions;
- Trial — a type of the subscription:
- Yes — the subscription available only for the testing period;
- No — the subscription was ordered.
- Name — a subscription's name;
- Manager — a name of the personal manager;
- Account — an account name;
- Plan — a name of the Plan;
- Status — a subscriptions status:
- Ordered — a customer has ordered a Plan;
- Installing — an ordered applications are installing;
- Installation failed — an error occurred during the installation of the ordered application;
- Activating — a subscription is activating;
- Activating failed — an error occurred during the activation process;
- Active — a subscription has been activated;
- Updating — a subscription resource is updating;
- Updating failed — an error occurred during the update process;
- Renewing — the system is renewing the subscription;
- Renewing failed — an error occurred during the renewal process;
- Waiting for manual approve - a subscription should be approved by manager;
- Graced — a subscriber has not renewed the subscription, and after Grace period the system will stop the subscription;
- Stopping — the system is stopping a subscription after Grace period;
- Stopping failed — an error occurred during the stopping process;
- Stopped — a subscription has been stopped;
- Deleting — the system is deleting a subscription after Stop period;
- Deletion failed — an error occurred during the deleting process;
- Deleted — a subscription has been deleted.
- Plan Period — a period of the Plan;
- Start Date — an activation date of the subscription;
- Expiration Date — an expiration date of the subscription (see Setting the Expiration Date of a Subscription);
- Promo code — a field which may use to get discount on the current subscription;
- Plan Class — a name of the Plan Class (see Managing Plan Classes);
- Auto renewal — the option for activating the automatic subscription renewal (see Auto-Renewing a Subscription);
- Renew point (days) - a number of days before the subscription expires when the customer receives the bill for renewal subscription.
- Application - a table with the list of Application's instances, which are provided as part of the Subscription:
- ID - an ID of the Application's instance;
- Name - a name of the Application;
- Service Status - a status of the Application's instance;
- MS Subscription ID - an ID for the Microsoft CSP Subscriptions (see Ordering a Microsoft CSP Subscription) in Microsoft Partner Center.
To update subscription details:
- Edit the following options, which are available for changing on the General tab:
- Name — change a name of subscription;
- Manager — select a personal manager;
- Plan Period — select a Plan period;
- Promo Code — enter a promotion code to set a discount on the subscription;
- Service Term — change a plan term, which defines the following subscription's parameters: Grace period and Stop period.
- Adjust to billing day — activate the Expiration date adjusting to the Billing day (see Plan Information).
- Auto renewal — activating of automatic subscription renewal (see Auto-Renewing a Subscription).
- Renew point — enter a number of days before the subscription expires when the customer gets the bill for renewal subscription.
- Click the Update button to save changes.