Office 365 Settings

The Office 365 Settings plugin allows managing special sets of integration settings for creation Services, which will be provided by Microsoft CSP program.

The Office 365 Settings plugin is designed for data exchange between ActivePlatform and Microsoft Commerce Platform using Commerce REST API (CREST API). Only Microsoft CSP partners can use CREST API. CREST API allows synchronizing information about Users and Microsoft CSP Subscriptions. To use CREST API, you must register the Microsoft Azure Active Directory application (AD) in Microsoft Partner Center. For more details see

To view and update Office 365 Settings:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Plugins > Office 365 Settings. The Workspace displays the Office 365 Settings page.
  3. Click the ID or Name link for the required set of settings. 

    The configuration page includes the following options:
    • Name — a name of the set of integration settings;
    • Link for agreements — the link to an actual version of the Microsoft license agreement, which is displayed during the order process of the Microsoft CSP Subscription in the Customer Control Panel.
    • Reseller Domain Prefix — an Operator's domain in Microsoft Partner Center. 
    • Azure Application ID — an ID of the Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD).
    • Azure Application Secret Key — a secret key of the Microsoft Azure AD.
    • Login for authentication PartnerCenter — the operator's (reseller's) login to Microsoft Partner Center, that is used for exchanging data between ActivePlatform and Microsoft Partner Center
    • Password for authentication PartnerCenter
    • Microsoft Tenant ID — an Operator's Microsoft Tenant ID (GUID) in Microsoft Partner Center.

      You can get Azure Application ID, Azure Application Secret Key and Microsoft Tenant ID in Microsoft Partner Center.

    • Confirm invitation path — a link that is used for confirmation of the existing Microsoft Tenant ID of the customer when the Customer orders the first Microsoft CSP Subscription. The confirm invitation from Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider link is displayed on the Order Subscription page if the switcher is set to Add existing Microsoft Tenant Name (see Ordering a Microsoft CSP Subscription).


    • Reseller's Custom Attribute - a name of the field on the Reseller's details page (see Viewing and updating general Reseller's Information), which includes MPN ID of the Reseller in Microsoft Partner Network. This information is required for the right processing of the Services, which were ordered by the Reseller.