Charges deleting

The table below describes the cases, in which the Charges are deleted.

Operations that cause Charges deletingCharge typeComment

Lack of payment for an Order:

for Subscription purchase (see Manual approving of a Payment of the Order)

  • Setup fee
  • Recurring fee
  • Transfer fee


Charges are deleted when Due order period ends (see Creating an Account Class). Details are given below.

for Resources amount increasing

  • Setup fee
  • Recurring fee


for Subscription renewal (see Renewing a Subscription)

  • Renewal fee
  • Recurring fee


for domain transfer

  • Transfer fee


Creation of an Order for Resources amount reducing

  • Recurring fee



Subscription Plan switching (see Switching a Plan)

  • Recurring fee



Manual closing of Charges (see Manual closing of the Subscription Charges)
  • Recurring fee
Charges with the Blocked and Opened statuses are deleted at the moment of the manual Charges closing. One new Charge for the whole Subscription period is generated basing on the deleted Charges of each type.

Subscription deleting

  • Renewal fee
  • Recurring fee



If an Order wasn't paid before the end of the Due order period, then the Order is deleted and Charges receive the Deleted status.