Viewing Correction details

To view the correction details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operation >  Finance > Corrections on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Corrections.
  3. Click the ID link for the necessary correction.

    The correction details page includes the following tabs:
    • General — a correction details (see Creating a Correction).
      • Account — a name of the account, which balance has been corrected;
      • Manager — a Мanager who created the correction;
      • Status — one of the following statuses of the correction;
        • Declined — a correction has been declined by a Мanager;
        • Waiting for approval — a correction has been added, but hasn't been approved yet;
        • Approved — a correction has been successfully processed (added and approved).
      • :
        1. No - the correction doesn't appear in the Invoice (the  switcher was set to Off during the correction creation);
        2. Yes - the correction appears in the Invoice (the  switcher was set to On during the correction creation). Moreover, the following elements are displayed:
          •  - a link to the Subscription's details page, which was selected during the correction creation;
          •  and  - a time period, which is used to inform the customer about the balance correction.

            The determined period does not affect what Invoice the Correction is included. Only Corrections, which were approved during the previous financial period, will be included in Invoice (see Approving a Correction).

      • Total — a total amount of the correction;
      • Comment - additional information about the correction;
      • Created at — a date and time when the correction was created;
      •  - a date and time when the correction was approved by a Manager and got the Approved status.
    • Event Log — a history of this operation (see Viewing the Event Log).