Viewing Invoice details

To view the details of an Invoice:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Finance > Invoices on the Navigation Bar. The Workspace displays the List of Invoices (see Viewing the List of Invoices).
  3. Click the ID or Invoice Number link.

    The invoice details page consists of the following data:
    • Invoice details group:
      • Invoice Number - a number of an invoice;
      • Account — a name of the account, which got the invoice;
      • Total -  a total amount of the invoice;

        Invoices can include positive and negative Corrections with the opposite sign: a positive Correction reduces the total amount of the Invoice and a negative Correction increases the total amount of the Invoice.

      • Status — one of the following statuses of the invoice:
        • Closed —  an invoice was closed;
        • New — an invoice was created and closed.
      • Created At — a date of the invoice creation;
      • Closed At — a date when invoice must be closed.
    • Charges - a table with the following columns:
      • # — an index number of the charge in the table;
      • Description — detailed information about the charge;
      • Quantity — a number of paid units of the service;
      • Duration — a period of using the service;
      • Unit Price — a price for the unit of the service;
      • Discount — an amount of the discount;
      • Amount —  an amount of the charge.
    • Correction - a table with the following columns:
      • # — an index number of the correction in the table;
      • Description — detailed information about the correction;
      • Balance Changed — an amount of the correction:
        • the down arrow ↓ and the "-" sign are displayed if a negative correction was created (the account balance was reduced by the correction).

        • the up arrow displayed ↑ is displayed if a positive correction was created (the account balance was topped up by the correction).

      •  - a date and time when the correction was approved by a manager and got the Approved status.