Limitation of Discounts
The Discounts can be limited depending on the following type of the Discount:
- Promo Code:
- selecting Plans, for which the Discount can be applied (see Attaching a Plan to the Discount).
- Account:
- selecting Plans, for which the Discount can be applied (see Attaching a Plan to the Discount);
- selecting Accounts, for which the Discount can be applied (see Limitation of Discounts by Accounts);
- selecting Account Classes, for which the Discount can be applied (see Limitation of Discounts by Account Classes).
- Combination:
- selecting Accounts, for which the Discount can be applied (see Limitation of Discounts by Accounts);
- selecting Account Classes, for which the Discount can be applied (see Limitation of Discounts by Account Classes).
- Reseller:
- selecting Plans, for which the Discount can be applied (see Attaching a Plan to the Discount);
- selecting Resellers, for which the Discount can be applied (see Limitation of Discounts by Resellers).