Viewing the List of Manual Operations

To view the List of Manual operations, which require manager's approval:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Operations > Manual Operations on the Navigation Bar.

    The Workspace displays the following blocks:
    • Top bar (for more information see Working with the List of Objects);
    • List of Manual Operations with the following columns:
      • ID — a unique identification number of the operation;
      • View link — viewing Manual operation details;
      • Description — detailed information about the Subscription;
      • Operation — the operation type:
        • Subscription stop - approval of the Subscription stop;
        • Subscription delete - approval of the Subscription deletion;
        • Auction domain install — approval of the payment of the Charge for the auction domain;
        • Application install approval of the application installation;
        • Application start approval of the application start;
        • Application stopapproval of the application stop;
        • Application update approval of the application update
        • Application renew approval of the application renew
        • Application delete - approval of the application deletion.
      • Account — the name of Account, which owns the Subscription requiring manual approval (see Viewing and updating an Account's details);
      • Account Class — the customer Account Class (see Account Classes);
      • Status — the status of an operation:
        • Approval required - the operation requires approval;
        • Approved — the operation was approved;
        • Declined — the operation was declined.
      • Created At — a date and time of operation creation.