Viewing the List of Subscription Debits

Debits are generated only for the Subscriptions with the Pay as you go billing type (see Creating a Plan Class).

To view the List of Debits that were generated for the Subscription:

  1. In the Operator Control Panel, go to Operations  > Subscriptions.
  2. Select the Subscription, the Debits for which should be viewed.
  3. On the Subscription page, click the ID or the name of the Application in the Applications section. The page with the Application information appears (see Viewing details about an Application instance).
  4. Click the Debits link. The List of Debits for the Application appears.

The List of Debits is given in the form of the table with the following columns (the columns may differ for each Application template):

  • ID - the unique identifier of the Debit.
  • Status - the status of the Debit:
    • New - is assigned to the Debit after its creation and before its processing.
    • Processing - is assigned to the Debit that is processed.
    • Closed - is assigned to the Debit after its processing is completed and the corresponding Charge is created (see Charges for Pay-as-you-go billing type).
  • Quantity (Count) - an amount of the consumed Resource.
  • Price - resource price per one unit of time.
  • Discount - an amount of the discount that applies to the Debit.
  • Total (Cost per day) - a total amount of the Debit taking into account the applicable Discounts.
  • Time from - the start time and date of the Debit period.
  • Time to - the end time and date of the Debit period.