Creating a Product

To create a Product in ActivePlatform:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. Click Operations > Products > Products on the Navigation Bar. The workspace displays the Products page (see Viewing the List of Products).
  3. Click the Create button on the Top bar of the Product page. The New Product wizard opens.
  4. On the General tab, enter the following:
    1. In the Name field, enter the Product name.
    2. In the Product type field, enter the Product type.
    3. In the Product category drop-down list, select a Product category (see Managing Product categories).

    4. In the Description field, enter the Product description. This description won't be displayed to the user.
    5. In the Vendor name field, enter the name of Product Vendor company.
    6. In Vendor logotype, click the Choose File button, and upload the Vendor company logo.
    7. In License agreement, click the Choose File button, and upload the Product License agreement file.
    8. In Privacy policy, click the Choose File button, and upload the Product Privacy policy file.
    9. To make a Product available for sale, select the Published checkbox.
    10. Click the Continue button. The next tab of the wizard — Market setting - opens.

  5. On the Market setting tab, enter the following:
    1. In the Name field, enter the Product name that will be displayed to a user.
    2. In Logotype, click the Choose File button, and upload the Product logo.
    3. In the Description field, enter the Product description. This description will be displayed to the user.
    4. Click the Continue button. The next tab of the wizard — Screenshots - opens.

  6. On the Screenshots tab, enter the following:
    1. In the Title field, enter the Product screenshot title.
    2. In Screenshot, click the Choose File button, and upload the Product screenshot.
    3. To delete the uploaded screenshot, click Delete.
    4. To add another screenshot, click the Add button. The form for adding a screenshot appears, which is similar to the one described above.
    5. Add the required amount of the screenshots.
    6. Click the Continue button. The next tab of the wizard — Videos - opens.

  7. On the Videos tab, enter the following:
    1. In the Title field, enter the Product video title.
    2. In the URL field, enter the link to Product video.
    3. To delete the video, click Delete.
    4. To add another video, click the Add button. The form for adding a video appears, which is similar to the one described above.
    5. Add the required amount of Product videos.
    6. Click the Continue button. The next tab of the wizard — Documentation - opens.

  8. On the Documentation tab, enter the following:
    1. In the Title field, enter the Product documentation title.
    2. In the URL field, enter the link to Product documentation.
    3. To delete the documentation link, click Delete.
    4. To add another documentation link, click the Add button. The form for adding a documentation link appears, which is similar to the one described above.
    5. Add the required amount of Product documentation links.
    6. Click the Continue button. The next tab of the wizard — Benefits - opens.

  9. On the Benefits tab, enter the following:
    1. In the Title field, enter the Product benefit title.
    2. In the Description field, enter the Product benefit description.
    3. To delete the Product benefit, click Delete.
    4. To add another Product benefit, click the Add button. The form for adding a benefit appears, which is similar to the one described above.
    5. Add the required amount of Product benefits.
    6. Click the Continue button. The next tab of the wizard — Support - opens.

  10. On the Support tab, enter the following:
    1. In the URL field, enter the link to the Product support website.
    2. In the Email field, enter the email of Product support.
    3. In the Phone field, enter the phone number of Product support.
    4. In the Details field, enter the additional details about Product support.

  11. Click the Save button. New Product is saved and appears in the List of products.