Placeholders for the Account entity

The following Placeholders are used for the Account entity.

account.idan ID of the account
account.type_idan ID of the type account
account.type_keya key of the account type
account.class_idan ID of the type account class
account.class_keya key of the account class

a date of the month when Invoices (see Managing Invoices) will be created and charges (see Charges) changes their statuses (can be set from 1 to 31)


a maximum amount of the credit that a customer can use for ordering services without topping up (the credit limit can be set manually or by default (see Account Classes))

account.balancea current value of the account Balance (see Viewing the List of Charges)
account.statusan account status: active, inactive, deleted
account.namea company name, if the customer is a legal entity
account.first_namea first name for the user the owner access rights
account.middle_namea middle name for the user the owner access rights
account.last_namethe last name for the user the owner access rights
account.streetan account address: street
account.buildingan account address: building
account.officean account address: office

an account address: a two-letter ISO code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of the country

account.country_namean account address: a full name for the country
account.cityan account address: a city
account.zipan account address: a zip-code
account.phonea phone number of the account
account.custom_attributesa set of the custom attributes of the account (see Managing Attributes)
account.bill_user_idan ID of the user, which is responsible for the financial matters

an email of the user, which is responsible for the financial matters

account.bill_user_namea full name for the user, which is responsible for the financial matters
account.bill_user_first_namea first name for the user, which is responsible for the financial matters
account.bill_user_middle_namea middle name for the user, which is responsible for the financial matters
account.bill_user_last_namethe last name for the user, which is responsible for the financial matters

an ID of the user, which is responsible for the technical matters


an email of the user, which is responsible for the technical matters


a full name for the user, which is responsible for the technical matters


a first name for the user, which is responsible for the technical matters


a middle name for the user, which is responsible for the technical matters


the last name for the user, which is responsible for the technical matters

account.manager.nameaccount manager name
account.manager.emailaccount manager email