Placeholders for the Billing day

The following Placeholders are used for the Billing day (see Creating a Plan Class):



billing_daya day of the month which is set as a Subscription Billing day

a number of days left to the Billing day that caused the Notification event occurring (see Creating an Event Handler)

On the Billing day, which caused the Notification event occurring, the Placeholder returns an amount of days left to the next Billing day
billing_day_datea date of the next Billing day in the dd/mm/yyyy format
billing_day_open_charges_amounta sum of opened Charges for the active (not deleted) Subscriptions with the G-Suite, CSP monthly, Pay in Full billing types that will be closed or blocked on the Billing day that caused the Notification event occurring
monthly_billinga Boolean type variable, an indication that the Account has active Subscriptions with the G-Suite, CSP monthly, Pay in Full billing types, to which the Billing day that caused a Notification event occurring is applicable