Placeholders for the Order and Charge entities
The following Placeholders are used for the Order and Charge entities.
Entity | Placeholder | Description |
| | an ID of the order |
order.number | a number of the order (e.g. SO000329), which is configured in the system settings (see System Settings). | |
order.status | one of the following statuses of the order:
| |
order.created_at | a date and time of order creation | |
order.charges | full information about charges of the order (data will be separated by ";") | |
Charge | charge.description | detailed information about the charge |
charge.quantity | a total quantity of the ordered resources | |
charge.unit_price_without_tax | a price of the unit of the service excluding VAT | |
charge.discount_amount | an amount of the discount | |
charge.discounted_unit_price_without_tax | an amount of the discount on the unit of the service excluding VAT | |
charge.amount_without_tax | an amount of the charge excluding VAT | |
charge.period | a period of using the service, for which the charge was created | |
charge.tax_percent | a VAT rate | |
charge.amount | an amount of the charge | |
charge.operate_from | a begin date of the paid period, to display "Operate from" parameter in invoices | |
charge.operate_to | an end date of the paid period, to display "Operate to" parameter in invoices |