Placeholders for the Payment and Guaranteed Payment entities

The following Placeholders are used for the Payment and Guaranteed Payment entities.



payment.idan ID of the payment


a name of the payment method
payment.document_numbera number of the payment
payment.totala total amount of the payment
payment.total_in_wordsa total amount of the payment in words
payment.created_ata date and time of the payment creation
payment.statusone of the following statuses of the payment:
  • waiting for payment — payment has been added, but not approved;
  • completed — payment has been successfully processed (added and approved);
  • cancelled — an order has been cancelled.
payment.status.wasthe previous status of the payment
payment.commentadditional information about the payment
payment.ordersa list of the orders, which are linked to the payment (data will be separated by ";")

a list of the charges, which are linked to the payment (data will be separated by ";")

payment.panel_linka link to the payment, which is displayed on the Customer Control Panel
payment.downloadableboolean; if the link to the payment is available
payment.receipt_urla link to the receipt

a set of the custom attributes of the payment (see Managing Attributes), where the item is a key of the attribute


a value of the attributes of the plan resource, where the item is a key of the attribute

Guaranteed Payment

guaranteed_payment.idan ID of the guaranteed payment
guaranteed_payment.statusa status of the guaranteed payment
guaranteed_payment.totala total amount of the guaranteed payment
guaranteed_payment.expiration_datea date and time of the guaranteed payment