Viewing Package's details

To view Package's details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, click Settings > Configuration > Packages. The Workspace displays the List of Packages (see Viewing the List of Packages).
  3. Click the ID or Name link for the required Package.

    The Package's page consists of following tabs:
    • General — the following general package's information:
      • Name — a package name;
      • Homepage — a reseller's website of the package;
      • Categories — a category of package;
      • Standard Version — a version of the package that is used by default;
      • Latest Version — a version of the package that has been download at last time.
    • APS Package Versions — a list of package's versions, which have been imported to ActivePlatform;

    • Application Templates — a list of  Application Templates that are based on selected package (see Viewing the List of Application Templates);
    • Event Log — a history of changes for the selected package (see Viewing an Object Log);
    • Instances — a list of application's instances that are based on the selected package.