Payment types

Payment types and methods of their creation

Payment typePayment purposeConditionsPayment creation methodPayment model
Payment for rendered ServicesPayment for Services rendered within the Postpay payment modelServices were used during the previous Billing periodAutomaticallyPostpay
Payment for OrderDesignated payment for a specific Service ordered within the Prepay payment modelOrder with the amount greater than zero was createdAutomaticallyPrepay
Manual Balance topping upAdvance payment for topping up of the Account balance for future paymentsAccount or Reseller (Operator) Manager initialized creating a PaymentManually
  • Prepay
  • Postpay

Payment statuses

Payments can have one of the following statuses:

  • Waiting for payment — the default status of any new Payment. The Payment is created but yet to be completed.
  • Completed — the Payment has been successfully processed (added and approved).
  • Expired — the Payment has not been completed before the Payment due date.
  • Receipt creating — a receipt for the Payment is prepared manually by the Manager (see Approving a Payment).
  • Receipt sent — the manually created receipt was sent to the Customer.

    Only Payments with the bank transfer or cash Payment methods can have the Receipt creating and Receipt sent statuses (see Configuring Payment Methods).

  • Cancelled — the Payment has been cancelled, or a Customer has paid using the Account balance.
  • Paid from balance — the Customer has paid for the Payment using the Account balance.
Payment typeWaiting for paymentExpiredCanceledReceipt creatingReceipt sentCompletedPaid from balance
Payment for rendered Services(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)
Payment for Order(отметить)(минус)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)
Manual Balance topping up(отметить)(минус)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(отметить)(минус)

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