Deleting an Account Type

You cannot delete an Account Type if there are Accounts of this Type.

If the Account Type is deleted by Operator (upstream Reseller), then the corresponding delegated Account Types are also deleted for the downstream Resellers, which do not have Accounts of this Account Type.

If the Account Type is deleted by Operator (upstream Reseller), then for the downstream Resellers, which have Accounts of this Account Type, the corresponding Account Type is not deleted. The Delegated attribute of this Account Type is set to No.

If the default Account Type is deleted, another Account Type will be automatically set as the default one.

To delete an Account Type:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Account Types (see Navigation). The list of Account Types is displayed (see Viewing the List of Account Types).
  3. Click the ID or Name of the required Account Type.
  4. On the Toolbar, on the General tab, click Delete.

  5. Click Confirm in the pop-up window.