Viewing Certificate's details

To view and update Certificate's details:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar go to Certificates. The list of Certificates is displayed (see Viewing the List of Certificates).
  3. Click the ID or Name link for the required Certificate.

    The Certificate's details page consists the following tabs:
    • General — general certificate information.
    • Log — a history of operation with the Certificate (see Viewing an Object Log).

    The General tab includes the following elements: 

    • Toolbar with following buttons:
      • Cancel - return to the list of the certificates;
      • Send Certificate Email - send a second email to the Customer in order to confirm the creation of the certificate.
    • the Subscription information group:
      • ID — a unique identification number of the SSL certificate;
      • Name - a name of the Domain, for which the SSL certificate was issued;
      • Subscription - a name of the Subscription, which includes the SSL certificate;
      • Account - a name of the Account, for whom the SSL certificate was issued;
      • Registrar - a name of the registrar who issued the SSL certificate; 
      • Product - a type of SSL certificate.
    • the Certificate signing info group:
      • Country code - a two-letter ISO code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) for the country where the company is located;

      • Domain name - a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the server. It matches the domain or subdomain for which SSL was ordered;

      • Organization name - a legal name of your organisation;

      • Region - a state/region where the organisation is located;

      • City - a city where the organisation is located;

      • Email - an email address used to contact the organisation.

    • the CSR group:
      • a certificate request that has been generated recently.
    • the Private key group:
      • Private key - a text of the private key of the SSL certificate.