Generating Promo Codes

To generate Promo Codes for Discount:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar go to Discounts. The list of Discounts is displayed (see Viewing the List of Discounts).
  3. Select the Promo Code discount, for which you want to create Promo Codes, by clicking on the link in the ID or Name column.
  4. Go to the Promo Codes tab. The Workspace displays the list of added Promo Codes.
  5. On the Toolbar click, the Generate Promo Codes button. The Workspace displays the Promo Codes Generation page.

  6. In the Mask field, type a mask for codes using the following format:
    • a symbol %;
    • a number (after symbol % ) that indicates a count of symbols in the promo code (minimum 6 symbols. (e.g. %7).
    • a set of characters that you want to see as a part of the code (e.g. PROMO)
  7. In the Quantity field, type a number of the promo codes that will be generated.
  8. Set the Multi-use checkbox, if the added promo codes can be used more than once.
  9. Click Generate. The list of added promo codes will be displayed on the screen (see Viewing the List of Promo Codes).