Reseller's settings inheritance

If during the new Reseller creation (see Creating a new Reseller) the value of the Default settings option was set to Copy Operator's settings, then the new Reseller settings are inherited from the settings of the upstream Operator (Reseller).

Regardless of the selected option, the new Reseller inherits the Service Terms (see Managing Service Terms) and Account Types (see Account Types) and the relations between them. Inherited Service Terms and Account Types are available in read-only mode and it is only possible to:

  • Add new Account Types for delegated Service Terms.
  • Change the value of the Default Payment Methods field for the delegated Account Types.

The Service Terms and Account Types of the downstream Reseller are changed automatically upon changes in the Service Terms and Account Types of the upstream Reseller (Operator).

  • Service Terms are the packs of additional rules that are applied to the Plan, for example, grace period, stop period of subscription, availability for payment by guaranteed payments (see Managing Service Terms).
  • Account Types — an Account Type (see Account Types) defines:
  • Account Classes is a certain group of customer service options, which are applied to each Customer that is included in this class (see Account Classes).

    The Default option is not inherited, all delegated Account classes are not assigned by default. That can be changed at the Account class page (see Viewing and updating Account Class's details).

  • Payment Methods allow to configure the connection to the payment system (for online payments) or display the instructions page with the possibility of downloading the Receipt as a PDF file for topping-up the balance (with non-cash payment). See Configuring Payment Methods.
  • Attributes allow inputting additional information for the following entities: AccountUserPlanManagerReseller, Resource. For example, for a User entity the following attributes are created in the Microsoft group:
    • TenantID — Microsoft Tenant ID (GUID) of the Account.
    • Tenant Name — Microsoft Tenant Name (domain name) of the Account.
  • Attribute Categories are used to group Attributes (see Managing Categories of Attributes).

    Independently of the Default settings option Notification CategoriesEvent Handlers, Notification Templates and UI Templates are inherited from the upstream Reseller. All changes of Notification CategoriesEvent Handlers, Notification Templates and UI Templates are delegated to the downstream Resellers (see Delegating UI Templates, Notification Templates, Event Holders and Notification Categories).

  • Notification Categories are used for grouping Notifications by some criteria, e.g. "Internal ", "Renewal and Expiration Notices" etc (see Managing Notification Categories).
  • Event Handlers are used to send Notifications to customers and employees if a certain Event has occurred in the system (see Managing Event Handlers).
  • Notification Templates are special Templates for creating the notification messages (see Managing Notification Templates).
  • UI Templates are templates for different types of UI elements in the Operator and Customer Control Panel (see Configuring UI Templates).
  • Language Settings — the set of available languages of interface and the default language for the Operator (Reseller) Panel and Customer Panel (see Managing language settings).