Creating an Application Template based on the Manual Provisioning plugin

To create an Application Template for a service that requires manual actions for provisioning:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Connectors (see Navigation). The list of Application Templates is displayed (see Viewing the List of Application Templates).
  3. Click the Create button on the Toolbar. The New Service page displays on the screen.
  4. Selects the Manual Provisioning plugin in the Plugin list.

  5. Click Next. The page for entering information about the Application Template is displayed.

  6. In the Name field, enter the name of the Application Template.
  7. Using the following lists, select the required modes of the service provisioning actions:
    • Application install — installing an Application instance.

    • Application start — starting an Application instance.

    • Application stop — stopping an Application instance.

    • Application renew — renewing an Application instance.

    • Application update — updating an Application instance.

    • Application delete — deleting an Application instance.

    For every service provisioning action, the corresponding list includes the following options:

    • Automatically — the service provisioning action is performed automatically.

    • Manually — to complete the service provisioning action, a Manager should approve the created Manual Operation (see Manual Operations).
  8. To create the Entry Point for the Application instance in the Customer Control Panel:
    1. Select the Entry Point checkbox. The Default entry point page field is displayed.

    2. In the Default entry point page field, enter the text in the HTML format. this information will be displayed on the target page of the Entry Point.
  9. Click Create. The new Application Template will be displayed in the list of Application Templates.