Managing Responsible Managers

Responsible Manager is a Product manager with the assigned Role. A Responsible Manager can be assigned to an Account ordered a Subscription within the Product.

In this article:

Viewing the list of Responsible Managers

To view the list of Responsible Managers:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Products (see Navigation). The list of Products is displayed (see Viewing the List of Products).
  3. Click the ID or Name of the required Product. The page of the selected Product is displayed (see Viewing and updating Product information).
  4. Go to Responsible Managers. The list of Responsible Managers is displayed.

The list includes the following columns:

  • ID — unique identification number of the Responsible Manager.
  • Name — name of the Responsible Manager as the link to the Manager information page (see Viewing and updating Manager's information).
  • RoleManager Role of the Responsible Manager (see Managing Roles of Responsible Managers).
  • Accounts — number of Accounts assigned to the Responsible Manager.

    A Responsible Manager with assigned Accounts is not available for editing and deleting.

  • Status — status of the Responsible Manager:
    • active — the Responsible Manager is available for assigning to Accounts.
    • inactive — the Responsible Manager is not available for assigning to Accounts.

Adding a new Responsible Manager

To add a new Responsible Manager:

  1. On the Responsible Managers tab of the required Product, on the Toolbar, click Add manager. The New Manager page is displayed.

  2. In the Manager list, select the required Manager among all Managers of the Reseller (see Viewing the List of Managers).
  3. In the Role list, select the required Manager Role (see Managing Roles of Responsible Managers).
  4. Click Create. The updated list of Responsible Managers is displayed.

Changing the Role of a Responsible Manager

To change the Role of a Responsible Manager:

  1. On the Responsible Managers tab of the Product, click the ID of the required Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager information page is displayed.

  2. In the Role list, select the required Manager Role.
  3. Click Update. The updated list of Responsible Managers is displayed.

Changing the status of a Responsible Manager

To change the status of a Responsible Manager:

  1. On the Responsible Managers tab of the Product, click the ID of the required Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager information page is displayed.
  2. On the Responsible Manager information page:
    • To deactivate an active Responsible Manager:
      1. Click Deactivate. The confirmation window is displayed.
      2. In the confirmation window, click Confirm.
    • To activate an inactive Responsible Manager, click Activate.

Deleting a Responsible Manager

To delete a Responsible Manager:

  1. On the Responsible Managers tab of the Product, click the ID of the required Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager information page is displayed.
  2. Click Delete. The confirmation window is displayed.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Confirm. The updated list of Responsible Manager:s is displayed.