Viewing Product information
To view the information about a Product delegated from Vendor Portal:
- Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
- On the Navigation Bar, go to Vendor Service Settings (see Navigation). The list of Products received from Vendor Portal is displayed (see Viewing the list of Products received from Vendor Portal).
- Click the ID or Name of the required Product. The page with information about the Product is displayed.
The page contains the following elements:
- Receive new prices from vendor portal — toggle responsible for updating prices of a Product in ActivePlatform when a Vendor updates the corresponding Product in Vendor Portal. By default, the toggle is turned off.
- Product JSON — field with full information about the Product provided by a Vendor in Vendor Portal. Information is presented in the JSON format.
A JSON request is updated when a Vendor updates or activates/deactivates the Product in Vendor Portal. All changes that were made to the JSON request in the Operator Control Panel are overwritten.
To edit a JSON request manually:
- In the Product JSON field, change the required value.
- Click Update.