Changing the automatic markup for existing Plans

When the automatic markup of the Plans with the Pay as you go (external) billing type changes, the downstream Resellers don't receive the notification about the net cost changing, because the net costs for these Plans are stored outside of the platform. Therefore, the retail prices and the margins are not calculated.

To change the automatic markups for existing Plans:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Price List (see Navigation). The Price List page is displayed (see Viewing the Price List).
  3. Select checkboxes in the rows of Plans, for which the automatic markup should be changed.

    To select all Plans at the page, select the checkbox in the table header. Use the filters and search if necessary (see Viewing the Price List).

  4. In the Markup field, enter a new automatic markup. The Apply to selected button becomes available.
  5. Click the Apply to selected button. The confirmation box is displayed. The confirmation box provides information about the number of Plans, for which the automatic markup is changed.

  6. Click the Confirm button. The automatic markup of the selected Plans changes. The retail price and margin are recalculated for all downstream Resellers.