Managing the Validation Service

The Validation Service restricts ordering Subscriptions to Plans of certain Products for Resellers and Accounts included in restrictions lists of Distributors.

The Validation Service works as follows:

  • For identifying Resellers and Accounts, the INN attribute is used (see Managing Attributes).
  • For validating, the restrictions lists retrieved by the ActivePlatform microservice from the 1C service are used.
  • Restrictions are applied to Resellers and Accounts if their INNs are included at least in one of the following lists:
    • SDN
    • BIS
  • Restrictions are applied to creating a Sales Order for a Subscription linked to any Product not included in the exceptions list.

Additionally, the Validation Service restricts ordering a Subscription in the following situations:

  • The 1C service responses with an error.
  • The ActivePlatform microservice or 1C service is not available.
  • The INN attribute of the Reseller or Account is not specified.
  • The INN attribute of the Reseller or Account is missing in the platform.

The warning message with information about an error or imposed restrictions is displayed on the Order confirmation step (see Ordering Subscriptions).

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