Configuring the Validation Service settings

Configuring the Validation Service settings includes the following steps:

Configuring access to the ActivePlatform microservice

Before using the Validation Service, it is necessary to configure access to the ActivePlatform microservice.

To configure access to the ActivePlatform microservice:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel on the root Reseller level.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Global Settings (see Navigation). The Global Settings page is displayed (see Global Settings).
  3. In the Validation Service Settings group, in the URL address field, enter the address to connect to the ActivePlatform microservice (for example, http://sanction_validator:8089).
  4. Click Update.

Activating the Validation Service

Activating the Validation Service affects the current Reseller level and all downstream Resellers levels with delegated Products.

To activate the Validation Service:

  1. Sign in to the Operator Control Panel.
  2. On the Navigation Bar, go to Validation Service Settings (see Navigation). The Service Settings tab of the Validation Service page is displayed.

  3. Turn On the Activate validation service switch.
  4. Click Update.

After configuring access to the ActivePlatform microservice and activating the Validation Service, it is possible to manage the list of exceptions — Products available for ordering without checking restrictions imposed to Resellers and Accounts (see Managing exceptions for the Validation Service).