Viewing details of the invoice for the Postpay charging model

To view the details of an invoice for the Postpay model:

  1. Go to Invoices (see Navigation). The list of invoices is displayed (see Viewing the list of invoices).
  2. If it is necessary, filter the list of invoices by account type. The filter is available, but the corresponding column is absent in the list.

  3. Click the ID or number of the required invoice with Payment model = Postpay. The invoice details page is displayed. The page includes the following groups:

Invoice details

In the Invoice details group:

  • Invoice number — the number of the invoice. The invoice number format can be configured in the system settings (see General system settings).
  • Account — the name of the account to which the invoice is issued.
  • Total — the amount of the invoice in the platform in the reseller currency, taking into account the charges and corrections. Total does not depend on External total.
  • External total — if managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system is activated (see Managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system), may display the amount and currency of a third-party invoice after the invoice approval. See also Viewing payment details.
  • Approval date — displayed if managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system is activated (see Managing invoices for the Postpay model by a third-party ERP system), and the invoice is approved.
  • Payment model Postpay.
  • Status:
    • Open — the invoice is created, but not yet issued to an account because the billing period is not ended.
    • Closed — the invoice is closed. Invoices are closed on the second day of the next billing period. Closed invoices are issued to accounts.
  • From — the start date of the covered period.
  • To — end date of the covered period.


Charges — a table with the list of charges included in the invoice:

  • # — the serial number of a charge in the invoice.
  • Description — the detailed information about a charge.
  • Quantity — the quantity of the service or resource units (up to three decimal places).
  • Discount — the amount of the applied discount (see Managing Discounts).
  • Amount — the amount of a charge.


Subscriptions — a table with the list of subscriptions that have charges closed during the previous billing period:

  • ID — the unique identification number of a subscription.
  • Name — the name of a subscription.
  • Status — the current status of a subscription.

    • Ordered — a new subscription is ordered and waits for the activation.
    • Active — a subscription is used.
    • Delivered — a subscription with the Non-recurring Subscription billing type is used.
    • Graced — a customer did not pay for a subscription on time, and after the grace period, a subscription will be stopped.
    • Stopped — a subscription is temporarily stopped.
    • Deleted — a subscription is permanently deleted.
    • Installation failed (installation_failed — in the API methods) — an error occurred during the installation of the ordered service.
    • Activation failed (activation_failed) — an error occurred during the subscription activation process.
    • Renewing failed (renewal_failed) — an error occurred during the subscription renewal process.
    • Updating failed (updating_failed) — an error occurred during the resource update process.
    • Stopping failed (stopping_failed) — an error occurred during the subscription stopping process.
    • Deletion failed (deletion_failed) — an error occurred during the subscription deleting process.
    • Installing — the ordered service is installing.
    • Activating — a subscription is activating.
    • Renewing — a subscription is renewing.
    • Updating — a subscription resource is updating.
    • Stopping — a subscription is stopping.
    • Deleting — a subscription is deleting.
    • Waiting for manual approve (waiting_for_manual_approve) — the operation with a subscription waits for approval by a manager (see Manual Operations) due to the stop subscription and delete subscription modes set in the account class of the account (see Creating an Account Class).
    • Blocked — a postpaid subscription is stopped due to an expired payment.


Payments — a table with the list of payments linked to the invoice. Payments are displayed only after the invoice gets the Closed status. The table includes the following information:

  • ID — the unique identification number of a payment.
  • Description — the description of a payment with its number in the platform (see General system settings).
  • Created at — the date of the payment creation.
  • Due date — the date when a payment gets the Expired status (see Payment for rendered services).
  • Status — the current status of a payment (see Payment types).

    • Waiting for payment (waiting_for_payment — in the API methods) — the initial status of a new payment. A payment is created and not yet completed.
    • Expired — a payment is not completed before the due date.
    • Cancelled — a payment is cancelled.
    • Receipt creating (receipt_creating) — a manager manually prepares a receipt (see Processing a payment that requires manual receipt creation).
    • Receipt sent (receipt_sent) —  a manager sent a manually prepared receipt to a customer.

    • Processing — a temporary status while a payment on the payment gateway side is processed. In the Processing status, all operations for a payment are not available.
    • Completed — a payment is processed (a customer paid for a payment).
    • Paid from balance (paid_from_balance) — a customer paid for a payment using the account balance.

  • Amount — the amount of a payment, taking into account the corrections.


Correction — table with the list of corrections (see Managing corrections) included in the invoice (if any) that contains the following columns:

  • # — the serial number of a correction in the invoice.
  • Description — the detailed information about a correction.
  • Current Debt Changed — the amount of a correction:
    • The down-pointing triangle ▼ and the "-" sign are displayed if a negative correction is created (the current debt is reduced using the correction).
    • The up-pointing triangle ▲ is displayed if a positive correction is created (the current debt is increased using the correction).
  • Approved at — the date and time when a correction is approved by a manager.


Taxes — a table with the list of taxes. The table is displayed, if a manager added at least one tax for a charge included in the invoice (for details, see Adding taxes for Charges in Postpay model):

  • # — the serial number of a tax in the invoice.
  • Name — the tax name.
  • Description — the tax description and additional information.
  • Amount — the tax amount. A negative tax value is a refund, and it is deducted from the charge amount. A positive total tax value is added to the charge amount.