Managing users

A user is a person who uses the Customer Control Panel to access services and perform operations on behalf of an account. The user data includes personal information, login (email) and password.

A user can have one of the following access levels within an account:

  • Owner — maximum privileges. An account can have only one user with the Owner access level.
  • Admin — can manage subscriptions and other users except the Owner.
  • Finance manager — can pay payments but cannot cancel them.

    The current version of the Customer Control Panel does not support the Finance manager access level.

  • User — minimum privileges, can only access services assigned by an Administrator or the Owner.

A user attached to several accounts can have different access levels. For example, a user can have the Administrator access level for the one account and the Owner access level for another.

All users are divided into two main groups:

  • External — emails of these users are created outside ActivePlatform. External users are not created in ActivePlatform, they are invited by an Administrator or the Owner.
  • Internal — emails of these users are created and maintained in ActivePlatform. Creating internal users is only possible for email hosting services like Open-Xchange and Microsoft Exchange. In the current version of the platform, the support of internal users is limited.

In the Operator Control Panel, the following operations with users are available: